Hazards revison notes - everything I know


What is a natural hazard?

A hazard is something that poses threat to life and/or property but a natural hazard is something that bridges the gap between human and physical geography.

There are three types of natural hazard:

- Hydrological e.g. floods

- Atmsopherical e.g. extreme weather conditions like droughts

- geophysical e.g. volcanoes. and earthquakes

How do human percieve hazards?

Humans can percieve hazards in many different ways as it can depend on their socio economic status, their age, their education and their religion/culture

1. FATALISM - this is where you accept the hazard is part of life and usually don't prepare yourself for the disastwe

2. ADAPTATION - this is the most common, people adjust their lives to fit with the hazardous environment through planning, mitigation and preparation

3. FEAR - this approach is when you are scared of the hazard and its consquences therefore you move to a non hazardous environment (this is more likely for people with young children)


Managment of a hazard can be shown through the DRMC (Disaster Risk Managment Cycle)

Image result for disaster risk management cycle (http://rorya2geography.weebly.com/uploads/2/0/9/2/20928600/6129484.png?607)

This shows the Preparation before the hazard, the Immediate Responses of the hazards and the Long Term Reponses where the country start to return to normal. Its final stage is the mitigation stage where it learns from the disaster and prepares itself for another hazard

Parkes Disaster Response Model

Image result for park's disaster response model (http://images.slideplayer.com/25/8022423/slides/slide_5.jpg)

This model shows the effect on the quality of life after the model and how it increases over a period of time…


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