Haem Metabolism synthesis

  • Created by: claudsia
  • Created on: 06-01-22 20:09

Biosynthesis of Haem



Haems have a poryphorin structure

  •  Haems have a poryphorin structure. 
  • tetrapyrrole macrocyle w side chains
  • contain 4 pyrrole rings
  • side chains allow for interaction and hold porphyrin into hydrophobic core
  • Have a metal at center coordinated by the 4 nitrogens


- chlorophyll is produced when the central metak coordinated there is magnesium.

chlorophyll is magnesium coordinating and haem is iron coordinating

  • co enzyme F430  is nickel coordinating
  • B Vitamin B12 is Cobal coordinating


Haem is required in cytochromes of electro transport chains . It is mainly the component responsible for binding oxygen in haemoglobin. Due to containing iron ion that binds O2 and porphyrin ring that binds globin molecules.

draw it.

Haemoglobin synthesis

- developing red cells in bone…


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