Great Gatsby - Modernist or Realist novel?


Realist Novel:

  • Realist authors chose to depict everyday and banal activities and experiences, instead of using a romanticized or similarly stylized presentation. Realism in the arts is the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality and avoiding artistic conventions, implausible, exotic and supernatural elements.
  • Realism as a movement in literature was a post-1848 phenomenon, according to its first theorist Jules-Français Champfleury. It aims to reproduce "objective reality", and focused on showing everyday, quotidian activities and life, primarily among the middle or lower class society, without romantic idealization or dramatization.[
  • Realistic fiction is consists of stories that could have actually occurred to people in a believable setting. These stories resemble real life, and fictional characters within these stories react similarly to real people. Stories that are classified as realistic fiction have plots that highlight social or personal events or issues that mirror contemporary life. They depict our world and our society.
  • Realistic fiction stories tend to take place in the present or recent past. Characters are involved in events that could happen. Characters live in places that could be or are real. The characters seem like real people with real issues solved in a realistic way. The events portrayed


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