

What is globalisation?

  • TNCs - companies around the world
  • Leads to glocalisation
  • Taking away from local companies
  • Communication - social media
  • 'Smaller world'
  • Easier transportation
  • Western influence globally
  • Rich get richer

Globalisation - the processes by which people, their cultures, money, goods and information can be transferred between countries with few or no barriers.


  • Physical aspects
  • Religion
  • Quotas/tariffs
  • VISAs/migration laws
  • Laws (China, DPRK)
  • Language
  • Border security
  • Social classes

Interdependence between countries means that they are dependent on one another in some way.

Glocalisation - where TNCs source parts close to markets, so they can customise products to meet local tastes and laws (economic and cultural reasons).

Factors affecting globalisation:


  • 1930s - average of 11 people on each aircraft. Journey to Bangkok 8 days, now 11 hours
  • International trade - large cargo ships


  • Technology helps businesses to connect to different countries
  • Media coverage
  • GPS


  • Employing people in developing countries (no minimum wage)
  • Uniformative products e.g. iPhone
  • International marketing

International organisations:

  • No barriers to trade (e.g. European Union)
  • IMF (International Monetary Fund), NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), UN (United Nations)


  • Increase in trade - today, US$8 trillion per year
  • China key factor in world trade
  • Easy to trade between countries - improved transport and technology/communication


  • US and China have the largest travel and tourism economies. Far away from each other - 'smaller world'
  • Progressive policies on VISAs and taxation - easier to get to, more tourists
  • Will account for 9.5% of total employment - 2014, 227 million jobs

Mulitplier effects - where a change in one part of the economy results in knock-on effects in other parts of the economy.

Impacts of globalisation:

  • Some TNCs (e.g. Shell Oil) have higher turnover than the GDP of some countries
  • Trillions of dollars are exchanged electronically every day in payments, loans, shares and debt.
  • Companies (News International) influence how people think on issues
  • A loss of national identity. Companies gain power over national governments. Governments may lose control over their countries
  • People with IT, management and finance skills are moving around the world to where jobs exist
  • Global tourism has increased, transporting


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