
  • Created by: Djoumana
  • Created on: 15-11-17 22:48

The Characteristics of Global Ecosystems:

  • The climate in an area determines what type of ecosystem forms. So differnt parts of the world have differnt ecosystems becuase they have different cliomates.
  • The map show global distribution of six types of ecosystems.


  • Found at high latitudes in northern Europe, Alaska and northern Canda. Winters are very cold, summers are brief and there is little rainfall. There are hardly any trees- vegetation includes mosses, grasses and low shrubs. There's a layer of permanently frozen ground called premafrost.

Tropical Rainforest:

  • Found around the equator, between the tropics, hwere it's hot and wet all year round. This is an area of lush forests, with dense canopies of vegetation forming


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