George Quotes+Meanings (1)


1.) "They had walked single file down the path and even in the open, one stayed behind the other."

This is a visual representation of how George is a leader . It shows that George is a protective, parental figure to Lennie, therefore giving us a clear image of the respect and love Lennie feels for George. It is symbolic of George's role in their friendship.

2.) "Lennie!" he said sharply. "Lennie, for God's sake, don't drink so much!"

Adverb used 'sharply' to show a forceful and aggresive tone and gives negative connotations. However, it shows simple frustration with George and displays that he does not want Lennie to get sick, so instead of a dictator over Lennie's actions, he is more like a reprimanding parent, scolding his child. George is a paternal figure.

3.) "Jesus Christ, you're a crazy


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