Geography Revision

  • Created by: Roxirin
  • Created on: 01-01-16 15:46

An ecosystem is a system or group of interacting elements, formed by the interaction of living organisms (such as plants, animals, and people) with non-living things such as soil and rocks. And ecosystem can be as small as a single tree, or as large an a whole forest.

A biome is a larger-scale ecosystem. Different biomes can include deserts, tropical rainforests, coniferous forests, deciduous forests, desert scrub, tundra, and grasslands.

Tropical rainforests are characterised by a high humidity and heat. They contain lush vegetation and have four 'canopy' layers: the ground layer, the lower canopy, the upper canopy, and emergents. The trees within a hardwood forest are mostly hardwoods such as mahogany and teak. Plants within a tropical rainforest may boast adaptations such as waxy leaves, which cause water to run off them, or butress roots, which keep trees stable and give them a much wider surface area for soaking up nutrients from the soil.  Tropical rainforests are under threat from deforestation, as hardwoods are in high demand. Since many rainforests are situated within LEDCs, people who live in them recieve little to no money, and are happy to get into illegal logging jobs in order to sustain their wellbeings. These people can be educated about the impacts of deforestation, which include extinction of plant and wildlife species, global warming (as rainforests…


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