Geographical Skills - GIS and ICT

  • Created by: Sophie :)
  • Created on: 02-06-13 18:22

What is meant by GIS? GIS is a geographical information system. It is a software tool that is available to geographers to aid mapping and spatial analysis of data and information. It enables data to be plotted and interrogated digitially in map form. GIS can involve layering of data, to overlay different data sets and look for spatial patterns and relationships therefore enabling us to make sense of large amounts of data.

What does layering mean? GIS enables large amounts of data to be shown on one map. Each data set represents a different layer which is placed over a map. The different layers can be switched on and off as required to add further detail to a map.

How could a geographical enquiry be improved with GIS? 1) Upload photographs onto google earth using place marks. 2) Measure straight and irregular distances. 3) Locate study areas and access aerial photographs. 4) Link data and graphs collected with specific places in a GIS system.

What are the advantages of GIS? 1) Lots of information can be viewed on one page. 2) Information can be


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