

DNA- made up of nucleotides, Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine. they pair together and oppose each other in the sense strand and the antisene strand- cytosine always pairs with guanine and adenine always pairs with thymine. DNA is a large and complex polymer, which is made up of two strands forming a double helix. DNA determines the characteristics of a living organism. With the exception of identical twins, each person's DNA is unique.

RNA- is a form of DNA, and acts as a messenger (used in protein synthesis), it copies the DNA in order to transfer the gene, however it creates a complementary strand. in RNA thymine binds with adenine, adnine binds with URACIL, guanine binds with cytosine, and cytosine binds with guanine.

Protein Synthesis- 

  • step1- Transcripstion, the DNA in the nucleus needs to carry its information out of the nucleus but is unable. Therefore, mRNA (messenger RNA) creates a complementary mRNA strand to the


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