Gender, crime and justice

  • Created by: cashj244
  • Created on: 18-06-17 15:37

Gender Patterns - it appears men commit more crime than women.

Do women commit less crime?

  • Sociologists argue OS underestimate the number of women offending
  • female crimes is less likely to be reported 
  • even when they are reported they are less likely to be prosecuted 

The Chivalry thesis - Women are less likely to be prosecuted for their crimes because male police officers, judges etc were socialized to be chivalrously towards women. 

Pollack - Men have a protective attitude towards women, so they are unwilling to arrest or convict them. So the crimes are less likely to end up in the OS - invalid picture of female crime.

Evidence for the chivalry thesis -

  • Self-report studies show female offenders are treated more leniently 
  • compared to men women were more likely cautioned rather than prosecuted 
  • OS show women are more likely to get a fine than sent to prison
  • However, SRS show males commit more crimes
  • A lot of male crimes are also under-reported

Bias against women -

  • Feminists believe the CJS is biased against women rather than for them as the chivalry thesis states.
  • Women are more likely to be jailed if their children were in care
  • Women treated more harshly in court for sexual behaviors than men.

Female crime - Overall women do have a lower crime rate of offending than men. How then can we explain the behavior of those women who do offend? - 

Functionalist sex role theory - Parsons 


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