Gender and culture in psychology: Gender bias

  • Created by: kateida0
  • Created on: 10-06-18 19:38

definition-  when considering human behaviour, bias is a tendency to treat one individual or group in a different way from others. in the context of gender bias, psychological research or thepry may offer a view which does not justifiably represent the experience and behaviour or men or women (usually women)

Universality and bias- any underlying characteristic of human beings that is capable of being applied to all, despite differences of experience and upbringing. gender bias and culture bias threaten the universality of findings in psychology

conclusions drawn can be applied to everyone, anywhere regardless of time and culture. Bias may be an inevitable part of the research process

Alpha bias- psychological theories that suggest there are real and enduring differences between men and women. these may enhance or undervalue members of either sex, but typically undervalue females.

exagerates the differences between the sexes, e.g. Wilson: 'sociobiological theory' argues sexual promiscuity is naturally selected in males to increase chance of genes being passed on whereas in females it is seen as going against nature to be promiscuise due to females need to preserve genes to ensure survival of few offspings

Beta bias- theories that ignore or minimise


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