Gender and achievement


Quick facts for gender and achievement

- in 2016, 71% of girls got 5 A* - C GCSE grades, boys were 62%

-English has widest gender gap, this increases throughout the key stages 

Key Studies:

-Paul Willis; working class boys have an anti - school view, lads ridiculed 'earoles' that did work, interview study in West Midlands with 12 boys

-Stanworth; interviewed teachers and observed classes in a college, teachers less likely to remember girls names, teachers stereotyped girls into traditional career ideas etc

-Spender; taped her own classes, boys dominate classroom time, schools reinforce patriarchy, subjects like history neglect the role that women have played etc 

-Kelly; science teachers are mainly men, textbooks have a bias for boys, boys dominate science equipment

-Norman; diiferences in education comes from differences in family socialisation e.g types of toys that boys and…


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