GCSE PE Revision (5)


The Use Of Feedback In Learning Motor Skills

  • Feedback can be given during a performance of a motor skill or after it's finished.
  • It is most effective when given close to the performance so the performance is fresh in the player's mind.
  • Feedback motivates, changes performance or actually reinforces learning.
  • The more precise the feedback, the more beneficial it is.
  • There are several forms of feedback:
  • Continuous Feedback - Feedback given during the performance, either from the coach, or from the continuous feel of the skill.
  • Terminal Feedback - Feedback after the response has been completed.
  • Knowledge of results - Terminal feedback that gives the performer info about the end result of the response.
  • Knowledge of performance - Info about how well the movement is being executed, rather than the end result.
  • Internal/intrinsic feedback - Continuous feedback that comes from the proprioceptors.
  • External/augmented/extrinsic feedback - Feedback that comes from external sources; for example from sound or vision.
  • Positive feedback - Reinforces skill learning and gives info about a successful outcome.
  • Negative feedback - Info about an unsuccessful outcome, which can be used to build more successful strategies.
  • 2 of these types of feedback are more important than the others in sports performance: Knowledge of results and Knowledge of performance
  • Knowledge of results
  • This feedback is external, and can come from the performer…


Lauren Smith


thankyou! this has been really helpful :)