GCSE Chemistry Unit 3 Revision (8)



  • Soluble means something dissolves, and insoluble means something doesn't dissolve.
  • The solubility of a substance in a given solvent is the number of grams of the solute (usually a solid) that dissolve in 100g of the solvent (the liquid) at a particular temperature.
  • The solubility of (solid) solutes usually increases with temperature.
  • A saturated solution is one that cannot hold any more solid at that temperature - and you have to be able to see solid at the bottom to be certain that it's saturated.
  • Solubility Curves show  when a solution is saturated
  • A solubility curve plots the mass of solute dissolved in a saturated solution at various temperatures.
  • The solubility of most solids increases as the temperature increases.


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