Futility-Wilfred Owen Analysis

  • Created by: Frankiehw
  • Created on: 23-01-18 14:57


Form: elegy, Owen applies the trope of a lament to a soldier

Summary: The speaker is contemplating the point of life is it can be destroyed so easily, essentially its 'futile' nature as well as commenting on the futility of war.

Tone: melancholy but also peaceful. 

"Move him into the Sun"- In a land of such gridlock clouds and rain the sun/light takes on the importance of a deity. The sun is a life giving component, almost a God who could wake the soldier with its touch

"At home,whispering of fields half-sown"- the soldier's fields are half sown, he was not ready to die. Reference to home draws an image of emptiness and of something irrevocably changes and not allowed to return to its original form.

"Always it woke him, even in France"- this line has a more hopeful tone. The soldier fought for his country and his home- a noble act.

"Until this morning and this snow"- the soldier always assumed he…


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