Further Biology - Exercise


When you exercise, your body quickly adapts so that your muscles get more oxygen and more glucose to supply ENERGY

If your body cannot get enough oxygen or glucose, there are other back ups.


  • MUSCLES  are made of muscle cells. These use oxygen to produce energy from glucose by respiration - the energy is used to make muscles contract
  • An increase in muscle activity means more energy needed which means muscle cells need to be supplied with more glucose and oxygen. Extra carbon dioxide also needs to be removed from muscle cells
  • For this to happen to blood has to travel at a faster rate

This is why physical activity:

  • Increases your breathing rate and makes you breathe more deeply to meet the demand for extra oxygen
  • Increases heart rate
  • Dilates arteries which supply blood to muscles

GLYCOGEN is used during exercise

  • Some glucose is stored as glycogen
  • Glycogen is mainly stored in liver…


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