functionalists and criticisms

  • Created by: bibi5434
  • Created on: 06-04-18 13:27

Functionalists see the family as a vital ‘organ’ in maintaining the body of society. Murdock argues that there are four main functions of the family.

1)Sexual- expressing sexuality in a socially approved context.

2)Reproduction- the family provides some stability for the reproduction and rearing of children.

3)Socialisation- the family is an important unit of primary socialisation of children, where children learn socially acceptable behaviour and the culture of their society. This helps to build the shared ideas and beliefs (value consensus) which functionalists regard as important to maintaining a stable society.

4)Economic- family provides food and shelter for the family.

Parsons examined family life. He argued that the two basic functions of the family that are found in every society.

1)The primary socialisation- the family was the only institution in which primary socialisation could take place effectively so that children would internalise the norms and values of their society.

2)Stabilisation of human personalities- in industrial societies, the need for work


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