Functionalist theory

  • Created by: ElsieK!
  • Created on: 24-04-17 01:28

Two key thinkers of this theory:

  • Emile Durkheim
  • Talcott Parsons

This theory isn't critical of institutions such as education it focus on what they achieve in ideal circumstances,

Emile Dukheim:

  • He argues that children should be socialised with the value consensus so that they'll learn to follow their own impulses, self-restraint and fit in with  others that is imposed on them by schools as they learn to accept the discipline.
  • He stressed that the key role of education should be to encourage social solidarity when an individual want to be identified with a group and feels responsible towards others. This is the most impotant in modern societies where immediate change has thrust people from different backgrounds.
  • He also argued that a function of education is to teack skills provision that is required by a modern industrial society. these are general skills everyone needs such as literacy and numeracy. So…


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