Functionalist theories of crime


Functionalist theories of crime

Functionalists say crime and deviance are useful and neccesary in society

  • Crime and deviance reinforce the consensus of values, norms and behaviour of the majority of the non-deviant population
  • differences between the deviant and non deviant are reinforce - boundary maintenance
  • Durkheim (1897) - deviance allows for social change to occur
  • He argues that all societies need some change to remain healthy and stable
  • However, Durkheim said crime becomes dysfunctional when the level of crime is either too high or too low: - too high and it threatens social order, too low and theres no social change

Cohen Identified two ways that deviance maintained social order:

  • Cohen argued that forms of deviance such as prositutuion provide a safety valve for releasing tension without threatening social stability.
  • secondly, he argued that deviant behaviour e.g.


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