Functionalist, strain and subcultural theories

  • Created by: EloiseMay
  • Created on: 20-03-18 09:31

1. Crime is inevitable. This is because not everyone is socialised into the shared norms and values so some are prone to deviate. Secondly, in modern society there is diversity - different groups develop subcultures with different values which mainstream culture sees as deviant. The complex division of labour means people are increasingly different which creates anomie/normlessness which refers to the rules governing behaviour being weaker. This weakens the shared culture/collective conscience; therefore, higher levels of deviance.

2. Positive functions of crime: a) Boundary maintenance - The reaction from society unites members which reinforces their commitment to shared norms and values. This explains the function of punishment too. b) Adaptation and change - all change starts with an act of deviance. Scoping for


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