

Backgrounds and aims 

Freuds theory of personality: 

Freud proposed that adult personality is shaped by childhood events. He considered that children go through various stages of development. At each stage a child needs to resolvecertain conflicts in order for healthy psychological development to continue. In the third stage Phalic stage, the childs focus is on their genitals. This occurs around the age of four. Freud proposed that, during this , boys experience the oedipus complex which has three key components:

1) Boys desire their mothers 

2) they see their fathers as rivals, wishing them dead - a desire which is repressed 

3) it is eventually resolved when a boy comes to identity with his father

Freuds theory of mental disorder:

Freud proposed that mental illness can be explained in terms of ego defence mechanism - The ID , Ego and Super ego. Such defence mechanisms are not fully effective and our unconcious thoughts may lead to maladaptive behaviours such as phobias.


The term psychoanalysis is used to refer to freuds theory of personality development and also a form of therapy, psychoanalysis  aims to help patients become consciously aware of their unconscious, repressed feelings. By consciously acknowledging these feelings the patient can accept them and recover.


The aims of this study were to document the case


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