Formation of halogen alkanes

  • Created by: Liz_E
  • Created on: 27-04-16 18:41

The formation of halogenalkanes:

  • When a mixture of an alkane and halogen are put into a bright light, they will react and form a halogenalkane
  • They do not react in the dark
  • An example is the reaction of hexane and bromine under a bright light forming misty fumes of hydrogen bromide and the solution turns colourless

Example: CH4 + Cl2---> CH3Cl + HCl


  • The Cl-Cl bond is broken by a single quantum of UV light , as the energy is greater than the Cl-Cl bond
  • Since the atoms are both the same, the Cl-Cl bond breaks and an electron goes to each chlorine atom, this is called "homolytic"
  • This produces 2 free radicals, which are highly reactive 
  • The C-H bond doesn't break because it requires more energy than a single quantum of UV


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