Forces and Elasticity

  • Created by: Davwi
  • Created on: 20-02-19 21:01

Forces and Elasticity

  • When you apply a force to an object, you may cause it to stretch, compress or bend.
  • To do this you need more than one force acting on the object, otherwise the object would just move in the direction of the applied force instead of changing shape.
  • An onject has been elastically deformed if it can go back to its original shape and length after the force has been removed.
  • Objects that can be elastically deformed are known as elastic objects.
  • And object has been inelastically deformed if it cannot return to its original shape and size after the force is removed.
  • Work is doen when a force stretches or compresses an object and causes energy to be transferred to the elastic potential energy stores of…


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