Food and Health - Balancing Diets.

  • Created by: Chris
  • Created on: 09-04-11 09:22

Carbohydrates - provide energy.

Lipids (Fats) - act as an energy store, provide insulation, make up cell membranes & physically protect organs.

Proteins - needed for growth, repair of tissues and making enzymes.

Vitamins - 'D' needed for calcium absorption. 'K' needed for blood clotting.

Minerals - Iron needed for Haemoglobin. Calcium for bone formation.

Roughage - aids the movement of food through the gut.

Water - used in chemical reactions. Constant supply is needed to replace water loss.

If you don't get the correct amount of each nutrients you are said to be malnourished.

  • Not having enough food.
  • Too little nutrients e.g. not enough Iron leads to anaemia. Too many carbohydrates leads to obesity.
  • Not being able to absorb nutrients into the bloodstream e.g. Coeliac reduces the absorption in the small intestine.

Over nutrition and a lack of exercise leads to obesity. It is defined as being 20% over the recommended body weight. It could also be due to an under active thyroid gland (although its not very common). Increases the risk of diabetes, arthritis, coronary heart disease and even cancer.

Coronary Heart Disease:

Reduced flow of blood to…


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