

Logical determinism/fatalism

  • The heart of the theory is a very simple idea. because there must be at truth ot falsity regarding the future, there is little that we can do to avoid it. The future is determined and will occur regardless of out actions


  • Imagine that there is a middle aged women called Cora who is alive and healthy
  • Recently she has been putting on a bit of weight, and seeing as her family has a history of heart disease she decides to start dieting
  • Consider that either Cora will die from a heart attack or Cora will not die from a heart attack, it's either one or the other (law of excluded middle)
  • Assume that Cora will die from a heart attack, if this is the case there seems no point in her dieting because regardless of whether she diets or not she will die of a heart attack anyways
  • Assume that it's the cause that Cora won't die from a heart attack, If this is the case there is still no point in her dieting because regardless of whether she diets or not she's not going to die of heart attack anyways


Criticism 1

  • One problem with logical determinism is that we


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