Eyewitness Testimonies - Misleading Information

  • Created by: Caits24
  • Created on: 09-04-17 17:09

Eyewitness testimonies (EWT) rely on people's memory to be able to establish what happened and who was involved in incidents. Judges pay close attention to EWTs and find they are a reliable source of information. However this is not always the case as EWTs can be affected by different things including;

  • Misleading information - leading questions, post event discussion
  • Anxiety
  • False memory - you can plant a false memory in someones head and to them it becomes a reality. The closer to reality it is the more likely they are to remember it. E.g. telling a teenager they are ill because they drank too much the night before
  • Demand characteristics - witnesses giving the answers they think the interrogator wants to hear

Misleading Information:

Leading Questions:

A leading question is a question that because of the way it is worded, it suggests a certain answer. E.g. 'Was the knife in the man's left hand?' This suggests the answer is left hand. Loftus…


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