Eyesenck's criminal personality type


The Eyeseneck personality inventory is a form of psychological test which locates respondents along the E and N dimensions to determine personality type. Personality has a biological basis. 
Neurotic individuals tend to be nervous, jumpy and over anxious. Their instability means their behaviour us hard to predict. 

How Eyseneck obtained data 
2070 male prisoners compared to a control group of 2422 males. 
The prisoners scored higher E, N and P scores than the control group which accords with the prediction of the theory. 
E - Extraversion refers to the biological need individuals have for high or low levels of evironmental stimulation. Determined by the level of arousal in a persons central and autonomic nervouse system.
N - Neuroticism refers to the stability of personality and high neuroticism scores would represent someone who is more reactive and volatile.
P -  Psychoticism relates to the degree to which somebody is antisocial, aggressive and uncaring.
An individual who scores highly in all three cannot be easily conditioned and are cold, unfeeling…


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