

Labortory experiments:

  • Experimental group - vary different factors and measure any changes we observe.
  • Control group - keep factors the same and still measure any observational changes. 

1) Reliability- if someone else can repeat the same steps carried, the researcher is also completely detached from the experiement so no personal feelings or opinions have any effect. Preferred by postivists as can identify cause and effect relationships.

2) Practical - Society is complex and is impossible to identify and control all possible variables that can extert influences. Cant also be used to study the past and can only be used to study small scales which reduces it representativeness. 

3) Ethical - informed consent should be obtained from participants eventhough this may be hard with certain groups such as children. Also considered wrong to lie to particpants about the purpose of the experiment such as Milgrams example. Also if the


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