Evaluation FOR and AGAINST Free will and Determinism

  • Created by: Mariyah.
  • Created on: 30-09-17 20:04



Point: Strength because determinism is consistent with the aims of science as human behaviour is orderly and laws puts pscyhology on same level as other sciences which contribute to helping individuals health.

Evidence: For instance in psychology, psychotherapetuic drug treatment control and manages schzophrenia.(where suffers experience a total loss of control over their thoughts and behaviour). 

Explanation: The value of such research is that the prediction and control of human behaviour has led to development of treatments, therapies and behavioural interventions in controlling and managing schizophrenia. 

Link: So, psychology brings light to knowing that the causes of mental disorder are purely deterministic and refuses the concept of free will- no one choses to have schizophrenia. 



Point: Weakness of the…


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