Eukaryotic Cells and their organelles

  • Created by: Chris
  • Created on: 14-11-10 15:03

Eukaryotic Cells are complex cells and include animal and plant cells and contain lots of organelles.


All eukaryotic cells contain certain organelles; however, in plant cells there are more:


Plasma membrane: regulates the movement of substances in and out of the cell. It has receptor molecules on it, which allow it to respond to chemicals such as hormones. Found in both animal and plant cells.


Cell wall: mainly made of cellulose it supports only plant cells is has plasmodesmata which are holes for exchanging substances with other cells.


Nucleus: surrounded by a nuclear envelope (a double membrane), which contains many pores. The nucleus contains chromatin and is often known as the nucleolus. Chromatin is made from proteins and ‘D’‘N’‘A’. The pores allow substances like ‘R’‘N’‘A’ to move between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The nucleolus makes ribosomes. Found in both animal and plant cells.


Lysosomes: A round ball of digestive enzymes surrounded by a membrane which is used for digesting invading cells or breaking down dead cell matter. Found in both animal and plant cells.


Ribosomes: A small organelle that either floats free or attached to Rough ‘E’‘R’ where proteins are made. Found in both animal and plant cells.


Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: A system of membranes enclosing a fluid filled space…


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