Essay Writing

  • Created by: rallan15
  • Created on: 29-09-19 18:52

Essay Writing


  • Never write in first person

  • Always write about the isolated factor first (for essays that asks why something happened)

  • Don’t leave your judgement as a surprise for the conclusion


  1. Explain the background to the issue 

Example: Treaty of Versailles - Ended WW1. Germany had to pay in GM, land and material. Germany thought it was unfair.

      2. A line of Argument

Example: Treaty of Versailles -  The treaty of Versailles was very important because it ended World War 1. However it also was described as unfair as it solely blamed Germany for the start of the war.

     3.  Include other factors

 B - Explain the situation in relation to the question at the beginning of the period you are writing about.

E - Explain the situation in relation to the question at the end of the period you are writing about.

A -  Outline your argument. Refer to the question clearly.

F - Outline the factors you are


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