Equality in Relationships

  • Created by: riri33
  • Created on: 14-05-19 10:22

Equality in relationships

1950s- Traditonal nuclear family and segerated conjugal roles

Parsons sugested that the ideal model of the family was one characterised by segerated conjugal roles, where there was a clear divison of labour between spouses. He argued that in a correctly functional society, a nuclear family should have: the husband playing the instrumental role (finanical support and breadwinner) and the wife has the expressive role (child support and emtional needs, housewife).

1970s- The symmetrical family and joint conjugal roles

Young and Willmott (19730 take a 'march of progess' view of the history of the family. Saw family life as gradually improving for all members, becoming more equal and democratic. Moving towards a more shared…


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