Enzyme Activity.

  • Created by: Chris
  • Created on: 04-04-11 18:54

There are 4 conditions which affect enzyme activity: Temperature, 'p' 'H', Enzyme concentration and substrate concentration.


  • When the temperature increases the Kinetic energy increases so the molecules move faster.
  • As the molecules have a higher Kinetic energy meaning that there are more collisions per second.
  • As the temperature increases meaning that the energy of the collisions so it is more likely to result in a reaction.
  • However as the temperature rises so does the vibration of the enzymes.
  • When the temperature goes above the Optimum Temperature bonds begin to break within the enzyme.
  • The active site changes shape (denatures) so the enzyme-substrate cannot form.

'p' 'H':

  • Above 7 there are Hydroxyl Ions present.
  • Below 7 there are Hydrogen ions present.
  • These alter the charge distribution which changes the active site.

Enzyme Concentration:

  • More enzymes molecules there are in solution then the chance of collisions resulting in the enzyme-substrate complex. So by increasing the concentration of enzyme increases the rate of reaction.
  • If substrate concentration is limited an increase in enzyme concentration will eventually have no effect.

Substrate Concentration:

  • The higher the…


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