English Literature - Poem 2 - Nettles (Vernon Scannell)

  • Created by: swilson.
  • Created on: 01-03-15 16:19

Poem 2 - Nettles (Vernon Scannell)

Associated with the military/army

Nettles = stinging pain, hurt, discomfort

Nettles = represents the military

'bayonet' = knife that attaches to a riffle

Vernon Scannell background information and life:

  • he lived through the cold war
  • he had six children but two of them died
  • he served in the army
  • he is mostly a second world war poet as he fought in WW2
  • he joined the army aged 18
  • he went to a mental instatution, as the generals believed he was going mad

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