science revision

  • Created by: Jack
  • Created on: 06-11-16 20:53

differences in surfaces absorbing radiation

Radiation can work through the vacuum of space. 

Heat can be transferred by infrared radiation. Unlike conduction and convection, which need particles, infrared radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation that involves waves.

If two objects made from the same material have identical volumes, a thin, flat object will radiate heat energy faster than a fat object. This is one reason why domestic radiators are thin and flat. Radiators are often painted with white gloss paint. They would be better at radiating heat if they were painted with black matt paint, but in fact, despite their name, radiators transfer most of their heat to a room by convection.

Heat energy is transferred from homes by conduction through the walls, floor, roof and windows. It is also transferred from homes by convection. For example, cold air can enter the house through gaps in doors and windows, and convection currents can transfer heat energy in the loft to the roof tiles. Heat energy also leaves the house by radiation through the walls, roof and windows.

Sankey diagrams summarise all the energy transfers taking place in a process. The thicker the line or arrow, the greater the amount of energy involved.

The efficiency of a device is the proportion of the energy supplied that is transferred in


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