Endocrinology (hormones)


Cell comm systems- use chem signal

  • Nervous (high speed,short term)
  • Endocrine (slow,long term)--> relies on horm secretion by endo glands and response by target cells.

Chem signals and target cells

  • Target cells respond to chem (neurotrans or horm)
  • Target cells possess prot (recept) that bind to neurotrans or horm.
  • Bind stim changes in activ (signal transduction)
  • Many cells respond to multi chem mess (many spec recep)

Endocrine + nervous syst {related}

  • endo glands have neurosecretory cells related to neurons.
  • some chem have both nerv and endo func (adrenaline)
  • both have + and - feedback (maintain homeo)

Vertebrate endo syst

  • Horm secreted by endo glands affect tiss.
  • Sex horm eff most cells.
  • Tropic horm- eff on other endo glands for coord of physio process.


  • 4 classes
  • Differ in size,chem nature and phys.
  • Based on AA or are prot.
  • H2O soluble or insoluble.
  • Some are lipids.

Chem signalling

  • Most horm bind cell surf recep.
  • Activate sig transd path.
  • Some horm bind nuc recep (steroid).
  • Alter gene express pattern.

Endo sig (feedback)

  • Digestion- low pH stim secretin release.
  • Sig pancreas release HCO3 (raises pH)
  • Secretin rel off.

Hypothalamus + pituitary

  • Hypo- lower brain.
  • Coordinates endo syst.
  • Receives info from nerves.
  • Resp based on int and ext environ.
  • Hypo secretions reg pit gland.
  • 2 parts (anterior and posterior)

Posterior gland (neurohypophysis)

  • ADH reg kidneys.
  • Oxytocin reg fem reprod.
  • Horm released to capill of gland.
  • Hypo sends sig to pp--> neurosec cells rel neurohorm-->diffuse through blood-->alter targ cell-->resp…


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