Emancipation Provisions and Impact.


Emancipation Provisions and Impact 1861


  • Released from ties with the landowner.
  • Become free men (marry, own a business/property, legal rights)
  • Each family (not domestic) could keep cottage and land (amount depended on that available)
  • Landlords got compensation for the loss of land 'Government bonds'.
  • Peasants had to pay annual redemption dues for 49 years. 
  • Serfs remained in the Mir until all payments were complete. Mir distributed land, controlled the farming and collected tax.
  • Paid labour service for 2 years before coming free men although landlords couldn't alter their demands. 
  • Landowners remained ownership of meadows, pasture and woodland which was farmed by a paid labourer.
  • Volosts- local administrative areas of 200- 3,000 people- were established in a number of villages to supervise the Mir.
  • Communal courts, some degree of peasant self-government.


Peasant Gains:

  • Land allocations and could buy extra land.
  • Kulaks(a peasant rich enough to buy a farm and hire labour) increased estate size and could produce surplus grain to sell for exports.
  • Sell land, forfeit rights in the Mir and move to the city.

Peasant Losses:

  • Resentment to the redemption…


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