Elizabethan Foreign Policy

  • Created by: Kim
  • Created on: 01-06-14 17:41


  • England & France at war from 1557 - 1559
  • French Religious Civil War 1562 - 1598 (Huguenots VS Catholic League) - limited French influence outside of their territory
  • Treaty of Hampton Court 1562 - Elizabeth agreed to help Huguenot Henry Navarre (later Henry IV of France) claim the French throne
  • Treaty of Troyes 1564 - England promised to stop trying to reclaim French territory
  • 1569 - negotiations of marriage between Elizabeth & Duke of Anjou
  • Treaty of Blois 1572 - England & France had to support each other from outside attacks
  • St Bartholomew's Day Massarce 1572 - massarce of French Huguenots in Paris by Catholics - marked Catholicism as a 'bloody religion'
  • 1578 - negotiations of marriage between Elizabeth & Duke of Alencon
  • Treaty of Joinville 1584 - alliance between Spain & France - forced England into war with Spain


  • Auld Alliance between France & Scotland from 14th Century
  • John Knox (Calvinist) returned to Scotland in 1559 - increased protestant opposition to Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots)
  • Doran - Elizabeth was reluctant to help Scottish protestants
  • Treaty of Edinburgh 1560 - marked the end of French involvement in Scotland
  • 1568 - Mary Stuart fled Scotland for England after her defeat in the Scottish Civil War - she was immediately put


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