
  • All magnets produce a magnetic field - a region where magnetic materials experience a force.
  • Field lines go from north to south.
  • Two like poles repel and unlike poles attract each other. 
  • compasses show the directions of magnetic fields as the north pole of a magnet inside of it is attracted to the south pole of any other magnet. Otherwise they always point north.
  • Permanent magnets always produce their own magnetic field.
  • Induced magnets are magnetic materials that turn into a magnet when they are put into a magnetic field.
  • When a current flows through a wire, a magnetic field is created around the wire in concentic circles perpendicular to the wire.
  • Changing the direction of the current changes the direction of the magnetic field.
  • A solenoid is a coil of wire - lots of field lines pointing in the same direction increases the strength of the magnetic field. 
  • A solenoid whith an iron core is called an electromagnetic. 
  • Eletromagnets can be used in scrap yards, or for electric starters/motors.
  • The motor effect is when a current-carrying wire is put between magnetic poles, the magnetic field around the wire interacts with the magnetic field and exerts a force. (the wire runs perpendicular to the magnetic field at full…


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