Educational Policies

  • Created by: riri33
  • Created on: 07-05-19 14:54

Educational Policies:

The Butler Education Act 1944-

Education for all.

The 1944 Triparte System-

It provided different schooling and was not based on affluence and more focused on ability; gramma schools for the highly academic, techincal schools for pupils speacialising in techinal subjects and lastly secondary modern. Ability was based from examinations such as the 11+. However, this system had class inequality where middle classes generally attended grammar schools.

1965 Comprehensive-

No selection so all can attend the one type of school.

Late devlopers can flourish as they wont be restricted on their level of attainment which would have been restricted if they failed the 11+ and went to a secondary modern. Additionally, this form of schooling allows teaching of a wider field (more subjects) and a wider range of falicities rather than commencing either academic ones or techinal ones. Mixed ability lessons allows all to learn from one another- class and ability is not present as much as pupils can move between sets and streams. Conversely, as the classes are mixed ability it holds back brighter students as weaker…


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