Duck's phase model of relationship breakdown

  • Created by: Georgia56
  • Created on: 07-10-17 12:09

1. The Breakdown Phase

This is the first step towards relationship break-up and is characterized by you or your partner’s dissatisfaction, with the relationship. At least one person perceives that something is wrong in the relationship, but they may not discuss this openly with their partner.

2. The Intrapsychic Phase

You and/or your partner goes through a time of reflection of your feelings towards the other and your relationship. You struggle internally and begin to question the benefits of being in the relationship. You usually do not show this strife outwardly, but if you do, it’s usually shown in the form of increased judgment or hostility towards your partner. Communication with your partner decreases, while communication with other people –friends and family– increases.

This phase is concerned with internal problem-solving and your partner is not meant to know about it.

3. The Dyadic Phase

The dissatisfied person (you and/or your partner) confronts the other with their feelings. This stage can be long or short, but will usually include some discussion on how the relationship can be repaired (if the other is willing to). You may try new ways of dealing with their relationship issues.

The outcome of this stage determines if relationship breakdown will


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