'Do the guidelines concerning the use of animals in research do enough to protect the welfare of animals?'


There are a variety of laws and guidelines put in place concerning the use of animals in research. One of these is the Animals (scientific procedures) Act and this law does go far enough to protect the welfare of animals in research and this is because it ensures the following; the discomfort to animals is minimised throughout the research, any altneratives are considered before using aniamls for example the use of cells by growing them and the benefits of the research outweigh the costs to animals and this is similar to the utilitarian view that Singer has towards the use of animals in research. Therefore it is very clear that the Animals (scientific procedures) Act does go far enough to protect the welfare of animals as this is a law and therefore if broken the researcher can be sentenced for it.

On the other hand, it can be argued that this act does not go far enough to protect the welfare of animals and this is because the act does not cover every animal and is only concerned about vertabrates for example cats and dogs and the act is also only concerned about the welfare of octupuses as well. Therefore the act does not go far enough to protect the welfare of other animals for example invertabrates and this is…


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