  • Created by: F.W1234
  • Created on: 09-04-18 10:53

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

A gene is a small section of DNA.

Each gene codes for a particular sequence of amino acids which are put together to make a specific protein. Theres only 20 different amino acids that  are made but they make up thousands of different prteins.

Genome- a fancy word for the entire set of genetic material in an organism. We now know the entire human genome. This allows us to:

1) Identify individual genes that are linked to different types of disease.

2) Knowing which genes are linked to inherited disorders can help us to understand them better and could help us to develop effective treatments.

Structure of DNA:

  • Strands of ploymers made up of lots of repeating units called neucleotides.
  • Each…


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