Distillation Notes

  • Created by: Bella101
  • Created on: 31-07-17 19:08


What is distillation?

Distillation is a process that can be used to separate a pure liquid from a mixture of liquids. It works when the liquids have different boiling points.

What are the steps taken to separate ethanol from water?

Step 1-water and ethanol solution are heated.

Step 2 - the ethanol evaporates first, cools, then condenses.

Step 3 - the water left evaporates, cools, then condenses.

What is tap water?

A mixture.

To make water pure how do you separate it from the dissolved solids?

Distillation. When mineral water evaporates, only the water turns to vapour. the solid minerals, which have higher boiling points, are left behind. The water vapour is pure. If the vapour is condensed, it turns back to now PURE liquid water.

What simply is distillation?

The combination of evaporation followed by distillation.

What is the simple method for distilling?

Apparatus= a simple still. Water is heated in the conical flask and the vapour travels along the delivery tube, where it condenses.

Is the simple method for distilling efficient?

No because much of the vapour…


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