Discuss two factors that have been shown by Milgram to affect obedience. Refer to evidence in your answer.


Discuss two factors that have been shown by Milgram to affect obedience. Refer to evidence in your answer.



Milgram investigated how far people would be prepared to go in obeying an authority figure. He found that many of the participants would continue to the end of 450v because 65% of males and 63% of females did, 33% of participants continued to 300v. The levels of obedience depended upon whether the authority figure was close and how they were portraying their status. The authority figure was in the room with the participant and whenever the participant said they want to stop, the authority figure said that they “must go on and continue the experiment” and they did.


The proximity of the victim is very important in terms of affecting obedience because the rate dropped to 40%. When the teacher so the participant was required to force the learner’s hand down


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