Discuss research into minority influence

  • One behavioural style that effects minority influence is commitment. This is when the minority is dedicated to a particulare cause or activity. 
  • However, it is thought that commitment can only change majority view at a tipping point. 
  • Researchers developed a computor model of a social network where individuals chat with eachother. Each individual held a traditional point of view, but where open to other opinions. Then people with a different point of view, who were comitted and consistent. If the speaker held the same view as the listener, they reinforced they're view. If two people in a row held the new idea, the individual changed their view. 
  • They found the tipping point for commitment to change majoirty view is 10% of the individuals to be commited opinion holders.
  • Another behavioural style for changing majoirty influence is consistency.
  • This is when the minority provides a stable view for a period of time, and agreement over all of the majority. 
  • Wood et al carried out a meta-analysis of studies into minority influence and found that the majorities that had the most affect  where the ones who were especially consistent in their view. 
  • Another behavioural style is flexibility.
  • This is a willingness to be flexible and to compromise when expressing a posistion. Mugny suggested that flexibility is better at changing the majoirty posistion…


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