Digestion of food and chromatography.


Food is broken down into smaller molecules during digestion.

1. The larger molecules in food are indigestable.

2. During digestion they are broken down into smaller molecules with are dissolvable and easily absorbed from the gut into the blood to be used by the body.

3. This is done by hydrolysis wihich breaks bonds using water.

The conditions in the gut allow hydrolysis to happen by digestive enzymes.

1. Digestive enzymes sppeed up the hydrolysis of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

2. They have a specific shape that allows large molecules to bind to the enzyme, providing a site for them to react with water.

3. Different enzymes speed up different reactions E.G. Protease speeds up the digestion of proteins.

Enzymes work the best at the right temperature and pH :

1. If the temperature is too low, there won't be enough energy for the reaction to happen. 

   If the temperature is too high, th enzymes will denature and stop working properly.

2. If the pH is too


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