Development Basics

  • Created by: Ben_95
  • Created on: 09-04-14 16:47

Changes as a country develops

Economic changes:

  • The wealth of a country increases as it develops.
  • Wealth is meausred by GDP and GNI.
  • As a country becomes wealthier, the number of people living in poverty decreases.

Social changes:

  • These changes affect people's quality of life.
  • This can be measured by the infant mortality rate and the number of people per doctor.
  • Both of these decrease as a country develops.
  • An incraese in access to safe water and literacy rate shows an increase in development.

Demographic changes:

  • Birth rate and death rate are measures of development.
  • They both decrease with development.
  • Develpment is also shown if there is an increase in life expectancy.

Political changes:

  • A country is developing if it changes from a dictatorship to a democracy.

Cultural changes:

  • As a country develops the way in which people live their lives may change.
  • E.g. gender equality, education, e.t.c.

Devlopment measures have limitations

When used on their own the measures of…




Advise me on a project management system that allows employees to quickly set tasks, make announcements to teams, as well as to load them documents with technical specifications, etc. We have a small development company and we do everything from scratch, there are architects, designers and coders.



What system do you use in general? If it's not a secret, of course. I usually do not send a text message to the staff and call to all write down and buy what you need for the project. Well, the designers I ask if the project is ready, etc.