Describe and evaluate the genetic explanation for schizophrenia

  • Created by: jesssweir
  • Created on: 13-04-17 13:22


  • The genetic explaination sees schizophrenia as being transmitted through hereditary means as schizophrenia is often seen as running through families 
  • However it is not believed that there is a single 'schizophrenic gene' but instead a combination of genes which increases an individuals overall vulnerability to developing schizophrenia 
  • Family studies, twin studies and adoption studies are used to asses the concordance rates between family members in order to assess the influence of both genes and the environment in developing schizophrenia
  • Concordance rates display the liklihood of that if one family member has schizophrenia then the other will.High concordance rates wold suggest that genes play a blarge role in the development of schizophrenia
  • However high concordance rates do not necessarily mean that an individual will definatly develop schizophrenia but increases their overall vulnerability to developing the disorder 
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