Describe and evaluate research into virtual relationships in social media (16 marks)


There are two different theories in how self-disclosure operates in computer-mediated communication (CMC) relationships. This first is reduced cues theory by Sproull and Kiesler. According to this theory, CMC relationships are less effective than face-to-face (FtF) relationships as they lack cues such as physical appearance, facial expressions and tone of voice. This leads to de-individuation as it reduces the sense of personal identity and encourages disinhibition in relating to others. Therefore virtual relationships are more likely to lead to blunt and agressive communication which results in a reluctancy to self-disclose. 

The other theory is the hyperpersonal model by Walther, who argues that online relationships can be more personal and have more self-disclosure than FtF ones. This is due to CMC relationships developing more quickly due to self-disclosure which once established can be more intense and intimate. However they can also end very quickly as the high excitement lvel of interaction is not matched by the level of trust. Another feature of the model is that the sender has more time to manipulate their online image which is known as selective self-presentation. They have more control over what to disclose. Anonymity is also important as Bargh says that when you're aware that others don't know your identity, you feel less accountable for your behaviour so you may disclose…


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